Queensland’s Parliament resumes its sittings this week – and the desecration of the Felton Valley, just 30 km from Toowomba, should be the focus of Question Time. But will it be?
So far the political indifference to the huge Felton Coal Project - announced by the Ambre company, headquartered in Salt Lake City USA – has been mind-blowing.
The complications of planning applications and approvals to and from the Government and the Toowoomba Regional Council and approvals are labyrinthal.
Mike Horan, Senior Shadow Minister in Lawrence Springborg’s Shadow Cabinet, has openly opposed the project. TRC Mayor Peter Taylor has explained the processes that must be made through his council.
But there has been no comment at all from the senior echelons of Anna Bligh’s Government. This week’s test will be to see the quality and persistence of the Opposition’s questioning – and whether it is wholehearted or half-hearted.
It is a visceral test for the Opposition Liberal National Party. Go to this Origin Energy web link to see for yourselves the huge alternative coal reserves north from Felton – the coal seam gas leases and the pipelines from south of Toowoomba to CQ.
There is a fearsome Achilles Heel confronting the passionate local objectors to the Ambre project. So far, according to local reports, land values have not responded, either up or down, to news of the project. But it is said that the Ambre company is casting around for critical freeholds to buy.
But if big money is being offered - or could in future be offered – the hurt to the Friend of Felton opposition could be fatal. The future would then depend on planning disapprovals.