Remember those encyclopaedia saleman who used to go from door to door in the 50s and 60s peddling questionable education to unsuspecting families at exorbitating prices – that’s our Oppsotion.
God help us, if they put a dent into the vigor and vision of Kevin Rudd’s Government
The Liberal Party strategists – the Nationals have none – have no idea what it is the broad public likes most about the Rudd lot. It’s the genuiness of the leadership team – and above all it’s the talent, smartness and confidence of the women Rudd has backing him.
And remember that for all of them, this is their first experience of Government. They are handling it splendidly.
Remind yourself who these women are: The splendid Julia Gillard, Acting Prime Mininster, who also has the biggest and most vital portfolio of them all; the doughty little fighter Nicola Roxon, a Health Minister who can trade blows with parliamentary thug Tony Abbot; the remarkable Penny Wong who is working her way through the incredible complexities of climate change and carbon trading, the charming Tanya Plibersek who is plainly “in touch” with the electorate on housing and homelessness; and newcomer former policeman Justine Elliot who last week stood up well to Tony Jones on Late Line, clearly distressed to her core about that dreadul death in an indigenous age care home.
And then, let’s not forget the wise dependable Jenny Macklin, deputy Leader to Kim Beasley, and now in charge of Family, Housing, Community services and Indigenous Affairs.
What a serve Jenny gave to the Oppositon last week revealing the underlying outrage of their pension increase stunt.
And then there’s Kate Ellis, Minister for Sports and Youth, who lent the Beijing Olympics with her youth and energy.
And then, there’s Maxine McKew, the Prime Minister Slayer, waiting in the wings in training as a Parliamentary Secretary assiting the Prime Ministe, among other things in the early learning program.
Why is this team so credible? Because they’re all so clearly in touch with the electorate – our concerns, our fears, our aspirations and our political awareness.