Saturday, September 20, 2008

It’s time … for doctors to share their workload

It seems to me there is not a doctor anywhere whose workload is not almost overwhelming. Many have had to close off their patient lists and the Emergency Wards of public hospitals are equally overwhelmed.

Why then does the Australian Medical assocation resist so vehemently Health Minister Nicola Roxon’s proposal for doctors to relinquish their monopoly on procedures which can be done safely by other professionals, such as delivering babies, issuing repeat prescriptions and wound management.

Roxon, who from the start has been a forward thinking Minister, called at the called for an end to the "historical anomaly" of doctor-dominated health care. She was speaking in Bathurst at the "Light on the Hill" oration, which commemorates Prime Minister Ben Chifley, who fought an intense campaign by doctors against the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, established in 1948.

Ms Roxon recalled Labor also had to overcome entrenched resistance from doctors to introduce Medibank, then Medicare.

Unfortunately, in the present negotiation with the president of the Australian Medical Association, Rosanna Capolingua. Minister Roxon already has a combative relationship.