Saturday, September 20, 2008

A maverick somewhere in the TRC woodpile

Well, has a rift really developed in the ranks of the Toowoomba Regional Council, with the Councillors rebelling against the authority of the Chief Executive Office Phillip Spencer?

The answer is clearly NO! One Councillor’s discontent does not consititute a rift.

Cambooya’s former Mayor, the feisty Cr. Carol Taylor – herself a qualified Justice of the Peace – “volunteered” to sign a statutory declaration that Mr Spencer’s job had NOT been put under threat at a reported meeting of Councilors which, according to the Chronicle frontpage (Friday, September 19), discussed his possible sacking.

Cr Taylor has confirmed to me that she was not asked to sign. She volunteered – and was the first to do so.

Carol Taylor was the first of TRC’s Councillors to come to the CEO’s defence after reports appeared in The Chronicle. At the time of writing this, only two Councillors had not signed because of their unavailabliity but are expected to.

Mr Spencer has what is known to be the toughest job in local government - bringing together into a cohesive management the City of Toowoomba and the seven adjoining regional shires. It was Mr Spencer who tried to maximise the recognition of the regional cities such as Milmerran, Pittsworth, Cambooys and the others as a counter to the possible perceived dominance of Toowoomba City.

According to The Chronicle, Deputy Mayor Paul Antonio (who formerly was Mayor of Milmerran Shire) and Mr Spencer “are believed to be at loggerheads over the centralisation of services to the detriment of country areas.”

Interestingly, Cr Antonio has also offered a statutory declaration on Mr Spencer’s request.

Of course it was always to be expected that rivalry and jealousy could erupt in this unwieldy amalgamation of City and shires. Believe me there is a big enough restlessness in Toowoomba itself.

But that’s the way’s it’s likely to be, until the difficultires of amalgamation are ironed out. So the hotheads and mavericks have just got to settle down and work as the team.

On Friday night last, WIN TV news reported Mr Spencer was taking legal advice on the matter of unjustified publc revelation. So he should. You’ve got to wonder whether Our Chron had a one-source leak and how they went about verifying it.