Sunday, December 7, 2008

Why does Premier Bligh refuse to appoint a Cabinet Minister for Care of the Aged?

Despite the growing number of the dependant aged in Queensland’s population, Premier Anna Bligh point blank refuses to appoint a specialist co-ordinating Minister for Care of the Aged.

At present this critical function of government is divided between the agencies of no less than five distinct Cabinet Ministers.

How disinterested the Queensland Government is in Care of the Aged is made clear by the job description of Lindy Nelson-Carr MP, who is Minister for 1). Communities; 2). Disability Services; 3). Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Partnerships; 4). Multicultural Affairs; and - WAIT FOR IT! - 5 and last). Seniors and Youth.

At the same time, the Premier and her Attorney-General, Kerry Shine, the Member for Toowoomba North, also point blank refuse to set in motion a rigorous inquiry into the rapidly growing rental residential industry targeting Aged Pensioner and making a meal of them. The standards of this industry in caring for the aged are entirely unregulated, apart from across the board rental regulations applying to all landlords.

The average age of the industry’s client residents is 85, very many on walking frames or suffering some disability, physical or mental.