Thursday, February 5, 2009

To Die with Dignity: Joan, the Nurse, versus Anna, the Premier

(The following letter is from Joan Russ, nurse, of Mary Street, Toowoomba.)

Queensland’s Premier Anna Bligh has ruled out any review of her State’s euthanasia laws.

“I don’t see any persuasive argument,” she has said, “that would make me of a mind to revisit the issue. I have a very conservative view of euthanasia. I think it is a very difficult area to legislate in and I know from discussion with medical practitioners it could be a very slippery slope for parliaments to enter.”

Nurse Joan , the writer of this letter, disagrees. It is the inadequacy of national debate of the issue of euthanasia that really astounds me, she says.

When a person has a painful terminal illness or incurable dementia what is the benefit to the person or to mankind, by prolonging their suffering and stress?

As a nurse, I saw many patients suffer greatly for months, weeks and days before finally dying, despite the pain relief administered.

My Grandfather was immobilised and brain damaged before dying at 102 years of age and my Father ceased eating and drinking for a month before his emaciated body stopped breathing at 90 years.

Perhaps they would have chosen another way to escape their pain and end their lives if a choice had been available to them.

I have a terminal illness and when I can no longer enjoy another day, I would like to think that I was able to choose my destiny. At the moment, my voice goes unheeded.

It should never be the role of Government to dictate what should be a person’s choice in thinking. Or to deny anyone the right to die with dignity.

In the end the decision made law should be for voluntary euthanasia: no-one has ever suggested enforcement. I consider this right of choice to be a fundamental right.

I would like to see open and free-minded debate, removed from the hysteria that surrounds it. This hysteria only over-rides and upsets the balanced views expressed, and demotes the seriousness of what is a most important decision for our country to consider and make into law.

Joan Russ,
Mary Street,
Toowoomba. Q. 4350

(Note: The Voluntary Euthanasia organisation, Exit International, is establishing a Toowoomba Regional Chapter. A meeting is scheduled for 2pm on Wednesday, May 5 at the Dr Price Rooms. Two meetings, one conducted by Exit’s founder Dr Phillip Nietschke, the other by Mrs Elaine Arch-Rose, Chapter Co-ordinator for the Gold Coast. Further meetings and practical workshops for “Dying with Dignity” are planned. Details of how to join Exit are available on